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Get Involved

Find out about all the ways you can get involved in our work, either locally, regionally, or nationally. We're a Christian charity, and we couldn't continue our work without your help and prayers.

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Get involved
in praying for
our Network


Get involved in Rural Mission Hubs


Get involved in Learning Communities


Get involved in Pioneer Incubators

Saturday. Summer. Beautiful sunny day, so my friends and I decided to make a picnic and wa

Get involved

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Get involved in praying for our Network

Prayer is at the heart of everything we do. Your prayers make all the difference to our work in rural Britain. Praying for us is a powerful and effective way of supporting what we do. Our staff, volunteers, and those we network with, sincerely appreciate your prayers. 

You can use our prayer calendar to help shape your prayers. Daily pointers are updated regularly, but we also welcome your ongoing prayers for our work. We encourage innovation, enable greater collaboration, and the increasing expectation that God has yet more to do through the rural church.

Join our
monthly Zoom prayer meetings

Prayer meeting zoom link.png

Alternatively, use:
Meeting ID: 893 0046 3084 Passcode: rural

We’d love to connect and pray together each month via Zoom. Each session may not look the same or take the same format each time. We’ll seek to explore prayer practices that will be beneficial to you in your walk with God and in your ministry contexts, as we move towards deepening our current rhythms across the movement.


The sessions will be on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 10am, lasting about 30 minutes.


There is no booking arrangement just scan or click the QR code to join.


Upcoming prayer meeting dates: 

  • 6th August 

  • 3rd September

  • 1st October


Become part of our Network

As part of our network, we'll keep you up to date with all of our latest news, events, campaigns, and opportunities to support us! It saves us money to contact you by email, and you have the option to unsubscribe at any time.

Why not join in and become part of our network. Find out what's involved by clicking below.

From time to time employment opportunities exist in our network. 

Get involved in Rural Mission Hubs

Several prayer-based communities around the UK act as rural centres of mission in partnership with RM to help catalyse the development of different rural contexts. These are becoming the locations for gathering rural pioneers and practitioners regionally for encouragement, support, and prayer. Meeting not less than twice a year, these mission hubs provide a place of connection for those worshipping, witnessing, and working in an area.

Mission Hub
Learnig Communities

Get involved in Learning Communities

Learning Communities provide a space and a structure for people to align around shared goals of creative and entrepreneurial thinking to help address the challenges of rural ministry. Each learning community will hold the values of trust, accountability, and mutual support. The culture is relational and focused on moving towards goals set by each team/participant. Through Learning Communities, we help one another to identify, develop and use our gifts to grow the church, address local needs and practically share the love of Jesus. 

If you want to find your nearest learning community, please contact us.

Pioneer Incubator

Get involved in a Pioneer Incubator

Pioneer incubators help rural pioneers and entrepreneurs and those beginning to develop new ideas for mission by providing a range of support and resources, including mentors, training, and access to experienced practitioners. Incubators can offer an element of administration support, training and potential investment backing. These resources provide an environment to enable new missional ideas to take shape and develop at the early stages of incubation.

If you would like to talk to us about being part of a pioneer incubator, drop us an email, we would love to chat further.

Volunteering with RM

Volunteers are at the core of our missional communities and churches. Are you able to help any of them by using your skills where they are most needed, becoming a trustee or just offering your valuable time to help them.


Use your skills


Become a Trustee


Time to offer?

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